Born and raised in the San Luis Valley in Colorado, I was used to my imagination being in the clouds at 8,500 feet up. It was easy to get caught daydreaming with such a beautiful place to live in. I was blessed with three beautiful daughters, so school always played a big part in what we did. My first book, Prisoners in Time. An Amy Jones Adventure came about when my oldest daughter decided to break the mold for traditional science fair projects and create a video where she goes back in time to meet the inventor of plastics.
As the scenes progressed, we built a cardboard "Time Machine" complete with Christmas tree lights, controls, and a seat. She got an A+. Later my youngest daughter asked for the time machine to come to her classroom for a show and tell. She spent an hour telling me about the adventures she and her friends had in the cardboard box but that was what I needed to start writing.
This new book was inspired by a photo of a rose lying on a log that is resting on a beach off the coast of Washington State. I Love's Unexpected Bloom was born from that photo. I feel so very blessed to join the ranks of authors before me and to know that people will be able to escape into a world where a seemingly normal woman can turn bad for money. I will continue to write now that I have this wonderful platform to share them on. This book is also available on Draft2Digital. Enjoy the book.
Born and raised in the San Luis Valley in Colorado, I was used to my imagination being in the clouds at 8,500 feet up. It was easy to get caught daydreaming with such a beautiful place to live in. I was blessed with three beautiful daughters, so school always played a big part in what we did. My first book, Prisoners in Time. An Amy Jones Adventure came about when my oldest daughter decided to break the mold for traditional science fair...